
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021


  PERBANDINGAN GELOMBANG BUNYI PADA GELAS YANG DIISI AIR   Dini Yuliani, Fina, Mohamad Jauhari Fauzi, Rizki Fauzi, Sandra aprilian, Dr. Nana M.pd Jurusan D-IV Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya Jln. Cilolohan No 35 Kahiripan Tawang Tasikmalaya Corresponding author :   Abstract Sound waves which are longitudinal waves occur propagate through a certain medium by producing a sound that can be heard due to a vibration so as to realize a sound method. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, sound is something that is heard or heard by hearing instruments (Kustaman, 2018). Sound sources are all objects that vibrate and produce sound that propagates through a medium or an intermediate substance on the condition that: There is a vibrating sound source 1 There is an intermediate substance (medium) 2 Keywords : Sound wave, sound, sound source   Abstrak Gelombang bunyi yang merupakan gelombang longitu